[vtkusers] Questions about getting started with VTK.
2018-11-26 03:58:15 UTC
-Are there precompiled Windows .dll files that I download, particularly 64 bit ones?
Is it possible to download VTK like this without having to try and fail
at compiling this myself? If not, could someone change this and post these .dll files
on the internet somewhere?

-If I only want to produce 2D or 3D plotting, is it possible to use a subset of the VTK
.dll files, so as to not have to include them all alongside a program?

-I know that it is possible to put a VTK plot into a popular graphics library format.
Does VTK have in place compatability for WXWidgets image drawing classes
and drawing elements?
Elvis Stansvik
2018-11-26 07:11:54 UTC
Post by A Z
-Are there precompiled Windows .dll files that I download, particularly 64 bit ones?
Is it possible to download VTK like this without having to try and fail
at compiling this myself? If not, could someone change this and post these .dll files
on the internet somewhere?
I don't think there are any precompiled DLLs, you have to build from source.
Post by A Z
-If I only want to produce 2D or 3D plotting, is it possible to use a subset of the VTK
.dll files, so as to not have to include them all alongside a program?
Yes, you only have to include the DLLs you are using.
Utilities/Maintenance/WhatModulesVTK.py is a handy script that is
included with the VTK source that you can run to see what exact
modules you need to link with, based on what you're including in your
source. Run it without arguments to get a help message.
Post by A Z
-I know that it is possible to put a VTK plot into a popular graphics library format.
Does VTK have in place compatability for WXWidgets image drawing classes
and drawing elements?
I'm only aware of official support for Qt and MFC. This seems to be a
third party class for wx integration:


Post by A Z
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