[vtkusers] vtkDICOMImageReader
2018-10-24 10:04:24 UTC
I'm using ActiViz.NET by Kitware to create a Console App with Visual Studio.
I am trying to read some DICOM images and render them. I have been able to
do so, but I would like to improve my code. I have many DICOM series of a
single subject taken at different time. I aim to load all the DICOM
togheter, when my app starts, so that then I am able to switch between them
without waiting the DICOMImageReader loading process. I need some sort of
DICOMImageReader array, in which different series are loaded in different
array slots. In this way I would be able to select the DICOM series to
render simply thanks to an index selection. Unfortunately, DICOMImageReader
does not support time frames. Is there a class that I could use to store
multiple DICOMImageReader output?
Thanks for your help.

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2018-10-25 08:39:40 UTC
vtkDICOMImageReader reader_1 = vtkDICOMImageReader.New()


vtkDICOMImageReader reader_2 = vtkDICOMImageReader.New()


List<vtkDICOMImageReader> my_list = new List<vtkDICOMImageReader>()

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2018-10-25 11:08:10 UTC
That's a solution. Unfortunately I don't know how many DICOM series the app
will need to read, since I could have a different time frame number for
different subjects. I would like to avoid to instatiate object that I won't
use (vtkDICOMImageReader number > time frame) or have a limit on the time
frame number that I can read.
Anyway thanks for your advice.

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