2018-11-22 10:27:36 UTC
Dear All,
As you know Kitware have made VTK available for use with C# in the form of
ACTIVIZ. One can purchase the compiled, ready-to-use library, but they also
kindly give the option of downloading the source and building it oneself. I
have been trying to find instructions on how to do this, but the only
information (even on the Kitware site) is legacy instructions going back to
ACTIVIZ 5.8. Obviously a lot has changed since then, so trying to map those
instructions onto version 8.0 (or later) is nigh on impossible (for someone
with my limited knowledge and expertise in CMake etc.).
Has anybody a clear and complete set of instructions on the steps required
to build the latest version of ACTIVIZ (or is this a naive request :-)?)?
Many thanks in advance for any pointers.
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As you know Kitware have made VTK available for use with C# in the form of
ACTIVIZ. One can purchase the compiled, ready-to-use library, but they also
kindly give the option of downloading the source and building it oneself. I
have been trying to find instructions on how to do this, but the only
information (even on the Kitware site) is legacy instructions going back to
ACTIVIZ 5.8. Obviously a lot has changed since then, so trying to map those
instructions onto version 8.0 (or later) is nigh on impossible (for someone
with my limited knowledge and expertise in CMake etc.).
Has anybody a clear and complete set of instructions on the steps required
to build the latest version of ACTIVIZ (or is this a naive request :-)?)?
Many thanks in advance for any pointers.
Sent from: http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/VTK-Users-f1224199.html
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